Wake Up Your Idea
Friday, February 02, 2007
  The Shaila Nair Scandal

The 'Shaila Nair Scandal' has been making waves recently and surprisingly, it has caused more mixed feelings than outrage. Most of the responses on the net reverberate around pity and turns this 'scandal' into more of a fiasco. Even I felt sorry for her - and I hate her to my guts.

No doubt, it is going to take quite a while before this incident is put behind everyone, but the reaction is quite interesting to note. I guess everyone is embarrassed for her more than anything else because it' is something that can happen to any one of us and the scene looks more intimate than porn.

I have heard that she has gone into hiding; even that she has left her country - Malaysia. Another rumour was that she had committed suicide. Well, nobody seems to be looking for her and she is probably indeed hiding (who wouldn't). The fact that the press is not looking for her is another interesting sign that for all her hype and drama, she isn't that famous after all.

What I would really like to know is if 'the great' Vasantham Central will rely on her services again and how they will respond to public opinion if they do. I guess, only time will tell.

heard she went to australia...dunno for sure.umm...i tink she should hve stood up n given explaination.afterall she is a lawyer.sure she has got guts...and now if she hides all the more people talk more stories.I tink she was sabotaged by someone she trusted.she should make known to media n embarass the guy as well.
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